Monday, November 12, 2012

Bad Art, Bad Subjects

Bad Art, Bad Subjects: A Democratic Assignment
3D Design

Make a “bad” sculpture or three-dimensional work. Bad should be defined broadly and inclusively. The work can be unsuccessful, ugly, anti-aesthetic, repulsive, offensive, contrived, controversial, cliché, untimely, derivative, poorly crafted or any mixture of the aforementioned descriptors. Abandon your ego and the formal elements of art and design to create something completely unexpected. Consider the advantages of selecting a specific media or topic to help design your project (It is easier to work with a point of departure like a media or topic).

Open. Keep this affordable or even free. There is no budget. Select materials that support your idea.

Risk & Failure
Producing successful art & design takes risk. It is the hardest skill to teach and the most difficult aspect to accept as makers. The students, by creating a project where you embrace failure and risk may end up producing some of your best work.

Grading will examine interpretation and innovation of the project and the students ability to explain why they did what they did. COLLABORATION BETWEEN STUDENTS WILL BE WELCOMED; COLLABORATORS WILL RECEIVE THE SAME GRADE.

Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Van Gogh, Jackson Pollack, Duchamp, Salon des Refuses, Deviant Art, Degenerate Art, Robert Crumb, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ed Hardy, High School Musical…

Courtney Coe

Katie Isaacs

Emily Tackett

Chelsey Benne

Michael Mitchell

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