Saturday, February 26, 2011

More is More

I suppose my fascination for less, revolves around my fascination for more. More as in repetition, redundancy, reiteration, restatement, recurrence, replication, reproduction, repeat, rerun and redo. We are a culture or many, our consumption drives us, a desire to collect, to rinse and repeat, to buy now and save later, to order while supplies last and to buy one get one free. It is genetically hard wired into our reproducing cells, to get it while you can, to nest. This hardwiring exists even though the majority of the western world has more than its share, more than it needs, myself fully included. Evident by my muffin top that currently is making my jeans a wee to tight this morning.

My search for less is balanced by my search for more. I am curating a national juried exhibition here in Lexington, Kentucky titled More is More. The exhibition is hosted at the Lexington Art League. Below is the call or click here to be directed to the website.

More is More
Exhibition Dates: July 22 – September 10, 2011
Entry Deadline: April 22, 2011

More is More examines a common tendency towards multiples and repetition in contemporary art. Our love and worship of multiples takes on many forms, including both repeating objects and images. Are we responding to an influence from industry, technology, materialism and consumerism? Or is this exponential growth from a more abstract desire or compulsion? Regardless where the pattern originated, these serial acts have profound implications about the society that created them. This national juried exhibition offers artists’ exploring the concept of multiples, repetition or abundance, in any media, a chance to exhibit the results. LAL invites artists to openly and creatively interpret this theme.
Artists may submit images and/or videos of their work along with an entry form, exhibition statement, and resume for consideration.  All media will be considered.

Eligibility and Media
All artists and designers, age 18 and older, are eligible to enter More Is More. All media and styles will be considered. No reproductions will be accepted.  All works must have been completed since 2005 and not previously shown in any LAL gallery.

More Is More Calendar
Final postmark deadline to receive entries: April 22, 2011
Email notifications sent to artists no later than: May 22, 2011
High-res images due for catalog: June 1, 2011
Work must arrive at LAL: July 13, 2011
Opening Reception: Fifth Third 4th Friday: July 22, 2011
Exhibition dates: July 22 – September 10, 2011
Pick-up or shipping of artwork: September 12 - 16, 2011

Melissa Vandenberg, Assistant Professor of Art & Design at Eastern Kentucky University, in collaboration with LAL will select artwork for More Is More. Vandenberg earned a BFA in studio art from Center for Creative Studies (Detroit) in 1999, and an MFA in sculpture from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 2005. Prior to relocating to Lexington in 2009, Vandenberg served as Director of the University Art Galleries at Indiana State University from 2007-09, organizing 10-12 exhibitions annually. To her record, Vandenberg has curated Re(Search): Exploring the Relationship Between Science & Art with works by Steve Aishman, Ronald Leax, Sara Mast, Brian Nelson, and Kathryn Refi (2009), Building Futures, a Solo Exhibition by Scott Ingram and Bloodline: A Quilt Exhibition featuring 20 national and international fiber artists (2008).

Entry Fee and Procedure
There is no entry fee for this exhibition.  April 22nd, 2011 is the postmark deadline. Review will be by digital images or videos only (no slides).  To submit by mail, send all materials to: More Is More, Lexington Art League, 209 Castlewood Drive, Lexington, KY 40505. To submit by email, send all materials as attachments with the subject line “MIM entry” to LAL Exhibitions & Programs Director Becky Alley at
To submit an application please include:
                  •                  Up to 10 digital entries (images must be in “JPEG” format and videos must be in “MPEG-4” format)
                  •                  Entry form (available at
                  •                  Resume (optional)
                  •                  Artist statement (optional)

Final notification emails will be sent on or before May 22, 2011.

Installation Art Criteria
If artwork requires extraordinary installation, the artist is responsible for installation and removal of artwork before and after exhibition.  Please contact LAL Exhibitions & Programs Director Becky Alley at or 859-254-7024 to discuss the specifics of a particular piece.

The selected works will hang in LAL’s Loudoun House Gallery from July 22 – September 10, 2011. The opening reception will be held at the Loudoun House Gallery on Friday, July 22nd, 6-9pm, and additional reception on Friday, August 26th from 6-9pm.
Absolutely no early removal of artwork is allowed for any reason.

Not all works need to be for sale, but LAL retains a 30% commission on the retail price of all works sold in the gallery. The artist must determine retail price, which is sent with the application materials.

Insurance and Liability
Work will be insured while on LAL premises to the limits of the insurance carrier’s contractual obligations. The LAL will not be responsible for insurance of work in transit or work that is not claimed by last date for pick up. On-site insurance value will be computed as 70% of the retail price, but does not guarantee that the insurer will agree with the value assigned by the artist.

The artist is responsible for all costs related to shipping and insurance of artwork while in transit to and from LAL. Artwork should be shipped in a substantial, reusable container. LAL will not be responsible for damage due to incorrect packing or an insufficient container. Due to the sheer volume of images and objects expected in this exhibition, LAL asks that participating artists pay special attention to packing and installation instructions included with shipped works.

An entry to this exhibition constitutes full agreement on the part of the artist to all conditions outlined in this prospectus, and guarantees that work entered will be available for exhibition. Accepted work that is not delivered or is withdrawn may prevent the artist from future eligibility in LAL exhibitions.
All entries must have been conceived and created by the artist submitting the work.
Accepted artists are required to sign the LAL contract for Exhibition & Sale of Artwork that will be sent upon acceptance to the exhibition.

The LAL Exhibitions and Programs Director has final authority to define what constitutes an acceptable entry.

The LAL reserves the right to eliminate (upon receipt) any entry that:
                  •                  Differs from the submitted images
                  •                  Is presented in a substandard way
                  •                  Requires extraordinary installation beyond what is evident in the original application (Please contact LAL Exhibitions & Programs Director Becky Alley at or 859-254-7024 with any questions regarding this policy.)

Any single piece or portion of an artwork must not exceed 120 lbs.

2D works must be strongly framed, wired on the back for hanging, or otherwise prepared for installation.

The artist grants permission to the LAL to reproduce entries for the purposes of publicity and education unless otherwise noted on the entry form. Please include photo credit where it differs from the artist’s name.

Becky Alley, Exhibitions and Programs Director,, 859-254-7024.

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