Friday, February 18, 2011

Give Up This

Thanks to some good discussions from friends and students here is some options to get this party started.

Can I do without _______ and for how long?
meat, sugar, dairy, wheat, salt, alcohol, caffeine, soda, music, television, cellular phone, computer, email, electricity, technology, cussing, new clothes, gas, rushing, typos, water, laundry, heating/cooling, talking, sleep, money, cleaning, and even blogging.

I haven't decided what to begin with yet, let alone what durations of "give up" I will be comfortable with. For example a day without my cell phone seems easy, a week may prove more problematic with work. The important thing is to be realistic and to take baby steps. I will give up options in day, week or month intervals.

The concept of abstinence if nothing new to me having been a vegetarian once for over a decade (then I met Memphis). I even gave up talking for two days once, to my significant others delight, although he said it was "really really weird". Last summer for a "whole" three days I skipped sugar, caffeine, wheat, meat, dairy and alcohol, a purge I do not recommend concurrently unless you are sadistic. Oddly, after 24 hours the sugar addiction headaches left me, but the desire for cheese was everlasting.

ITEM 1 - SODA (Pop if you are from Michigan...)
I will give up soda for one month, and I am not talking about the Perrier either. I am referring to the good stuff, loaded with sugar and caffeine. A week would be easy considering I do not drink much soda, but a month may be slightly more difficult, but still very reasonable. If you give up soda with me, select an interval that best works for you. I think I will only miss Orangina, a soda I cannot usually afford, but very very tasty. Oh geez, I am thirsty.

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