Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pop goes the...

Giving up soda for a month, so far, has been a breeze. It was, and is, a great way to start my campaign for less. My hope is to let abstaining from soda turn into renouncing coffee - next month, for a month, and only a month. The idea of foregoing coffee is painful, very painful. My car pool companion is already teasing me about visiting Starbucks every morning, were I will get to watch and smell the most useful of brown liquids from a distance. It is just not nice. I suppose the real victims in all this will be my students, to whom I will provide advance warning. Honestly, I do not drink that much coffee: 1-2 cups daily. However, those 1-2 cups are the only protection against a larger contemporary blight known as "Morning Melissa".

Solace will be discovered in tea, because for one month, beginning March 18, I will reject coffee for 30 days. Now you may see tea as cheating, and you would be correct. In my defense though, Topical Fast is meant to be process of self discovery. Finding mindfulness and new aspects of consumption to appreciate through trying something different, or simply going without.

If you would like to give up something and/or be a guest contributor to Topical Fast, just drop me a note.
Come give up with me.
Thank you.

The following link, a documentary on American tea pioneer Davis Lee Hoffman, All In This Tea (2007):

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